
Faith Formation for Infants to 5th Grade

Meet the team.

Gayle Newell

Director of Children’s Ministries

Debra Alba

A Message From Mrs. Gayle

I hope you’re enjoying the wonderful Advent Season!

We had a great Advent Fest with children having so much fun creating crafts for Advent. Children left happy with all their wonderful creations! Thank you to everyone that helped out to make it a huge success!
This Wednesday is our birthday party for Jesus! We’ll have pizza, games, trivia and birthday cake for Jesus! If children would like to bring a gift they’re welcome to bring toddler socks (please don’t wrap) that will be donated to Wholly Kicks.  It will be a fun time for everyone and you won’t want to miss it! This will be the end of our programming for this year and we’ll see you back on January 8, 2025.
We’ll see the children this Sunday, December 15th and next Sunday, December 22nd for Children’s Worship. On December 29th and January 5th there will be no Children’s Worship.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have.
But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.”  -Luke 1:30-32
Gayle Newell

Wednesdays at Bethany

Godly Play: Preschool – 1st grade
Godly Play is a creative and playful approach to Christian education for young children to nourish and guide their spiritual growth. Children learn through stories and are encouraged to wonder about different aspects of the story.

Camp Bethany: 2nd – 5th grades
Camp Bethany is a fun and exciting time for children in 2nd – 5th grade to learn about God in a fun way and be able to grow spiritually while interacting with other children to build relationships within the community. In Camp Bethany children will also learn different ways they can serve in worship and leadership in the church.

Children’s Worship on Sunday Mornings

Preschool – 5th grade: Children’s Worship takes place on Sundays during the 10:00am service. Children start in service with their parents and after the children’s sermon, children exit with Deacon Debra, Ms. Gayle, Mr. Zach, and assistants to go to the Chapel and hear a story, create a craft related to the story, and sing some songs. The children’s lesson is the same as what is being preached in the service just more at a children’s level. Children return to the sanctuary just before communion.


When a child is baptized the parents, sponsors, and the entire congregation promise to help raise the child in the faith. Faith Milestones are our way of ensuring that we uphold these promises as our children grow. From Kindergarten through 5th Grade, we walk our children and their families through Luther’s Small Catechism. With our youth and adults, we wrap faith around pivotal life events.

The Bible Milestone class will be offered on November 10th from 11:20 am – 1:30 pm. The Milestone Blessing will be celebrated on November 17th at the 10:00 am worship service. Children will receive their bible during this time. This class is designed for 2nd grade and older along with a parent or parents. Please sign up so plans can be made for enough materials and food for lunch on the 10th.

Day Camp

Save the Dates: June 23-27, 2025

Art Camp

Save the Dates: July 14-17, 2025

Join in: Volunteer with Children's Ministry!

This program year we will be offering Faith Formation opportunities for ALL ages, from Birth to Adult, EVERY Wednesday evening! Our 1st Wednesday evening of classes will be: September 4.
New opportunities to SERVE will be abundant!
On Wednesday evenings we are looking for helpers to SERVE as:
  • Greeters at our Welcome Wagon (Perfect for friendly people that arrive at church a little early)
  • Hospitality Volunteers (Perfect for people who like chopping vegetables and/or doing dishes)
  • Preschool and Elementary School Teachers (Perfect for caring adults who can follow a lesson plan)
  • Confirmation Guides (Perfect for caring adults who want to walk with middle school youth)
On Sunday mornings we are looking for helpers to SERVE as:
  • Children’s Church Guides (Perfect for worshippers who want to spend time with children during the 10:00am service)
  • Greeters at our Welcome Wagon (Perfect for friendly people that arrive at church a little early)
  • Sunday Worship Guides (Perfect for caring adults who would like to support middle and high school youth leading worship)
  • Hospitality Volunteers (Perfect for people who like to prepare food and/or clean up for Community Time)
If you are looking for a way to SERVE, using your unique gifts and talents we’d love to have you join in! Please contact Kevin Dragseth for more information.

Children’s Music

Children of all ages are invited to participate in our Youth Musical groups. Groups rehearse on Wednesday nights, as part of our Wednesday evening programming. The ReBELLion choir (Grades 2-12) rehearses from 4:45-5:15PM and the Youth Choir (Grades 1-12) rehearses from 5:15-5:45PM.

Both ensembles focus on fun and musical excellence in a happy, safe space AND ensembles regularly share musical offerings as part of Sunday morning worship at Bethany. New members are always welcome!