
Bethany News

Welcome to Bethany News! We are glad you’re here.
Scroll to read about what is going on at Bethany.
To access the Prayer List for this week, click here
To submit a prayer request please email Janet at or call the office at 303-758-2820.
Follow Us on social media for the most up to date information and some laughs! Click to connect!

Bethany Christmas Pageant 2024

An invitation to participate in our Christmas Eve Skit! All children, ages 3-7, are invited to participate in our Super (Hero) Christmas Eve skit as animals at our 1:30 Outdoor Christmas Eve service. We'll have costumes for them to dress up in and will need them to be ready to make loud, barn yard noises on cue! If interested, please plan to arrive by 1:00pm. to find a costume.

End of Year Giving - A Note from Pastor Gary

Your end-of-year gifts will help erase a 7% shortfall in expected receipts. Your generosity this year will create opportunities for ministry growth in 2025.
Some reminders:
* Your RMD from an IRA can be transferred directly to Bethany tax free.
* Stock transfers directly to Bethany avoid capital gains taxes.
* To be credited to 2024 giving your gifts must be received in the Dec 29 offering, or on-line by 11:59pm on Dec 31. USPS must be postmarked by Dec 31.
* The office will be open on Dec 30 from 9:00-5:00pm and Dec 31 from 9:00-3:00pm.


The holiday season is usually full of anticipation and excitement. When someone is missing from your celebrations, those feelings often change to dread, sadness and loneliness. Those grieving often long to share stories and want to hear the name of their loved one spoken. Bethany will host a Service of Remembrance at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 29, in the chapel. We will name our loved ones out loud as part of the service. Please join us to honor your grief and your loved one. If you are not sure that we are aware of a loss in your life, please send an email to to submit a name by December 26. For further questions, please contact Janet Mortinsen at

Intergenerational Friends Brunch
December 12/29

Are you a young adult or someone in their 3rd third of life? Join in for brunch off-campus for fellowship, friendship, and food! Meet Colleen Maki and the Gather Young Adults by the Mission Center Desk at 11:20am in 12/29 to join in!

Middle School Youth Retreat at Winter Park!
1/31 - 2/2

Enjoy community time, sledding adventures, eating, worship, hot chocolate, and snow tubing. Thank you to the Schopp family their GENEROUS hospitality in for hosting, feeding us, carving out the massive sledding hill and comfy beds. 

The weekend cost of $150 covers all food, lodging, snacks and Fraser Tubing Hill. Once you sign up forms and details will be sent your way.

If financial assistance is needed, please contact