Like Him We Rise

Apr 14, 2024

Chancel Choir anthem from 4/14/24 at the 8:30am service.


He came down that we may have love. He came down that we may rise. "Come unto me," our Savior said. "Ye weary come, I'll give you rest." From stable room and manger bed to paradise forever blessed. Made like him, like him we rise! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies; light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. "Come, all who thirst, be satisfied with water I alone can give." Upon the cross, "I thirst," he cried, conquering death that we might live. "When in the shadow, do not fear. I am your light, your lamp, your sun." The sting of death shall disappear. The fight is fought! The battle won!