Faith Formation for Infants to 5th Grade

Bethany Lutheran Church FAQs

Where is Bethany located? How do I get in touch?
4500 E Hampden Ave
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113
(303) 758-2820
What does this congregation care about?
Our community life is anchored in worship, strengthened by educational and fellowship activities, and expressed through ministries of love within and beyond the congregation. The Good News about Jesus is at the center of who we are and what we do and it inspires us to care for others and the world God has made.
What kind of Lutheran church is this?
Bethany Lutheran Church is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran Church body in the United States.
Who worships at Bethany?
The Bethany community is vibrant and people come from far and wide to worship together. Click to hear from some of our Bethany members!
What is worship like?
Worship at Bethany is engaging, creative, and meaningful. Our worship is a unique blending of the church’s ancient patterns and modern-day creativity. Our talented music staff and choirs lead beautiful hymns, and anthems and our sermons are thought-provoking and based in the scriptures while always being applicable to today. We would love to be in worship together. To get a better sense of worship at Bethany please visit our YouTube page to watch recordings from previous gatherings.
Will I be welcomed here?
Yes! All are welcome at Bethany Lutheran Church. We strongly believe that God’s grace extends to all people. We are not here to condemn or judge you, rather, we want to grow together as followers of Jesus and we invite anyone to join in this journey.
Can I take communion during worship?
All are welcome to share in the sacrament of Holy Communion. This invitation comes not from the Bethany council, or the Pastor, but from Jesus Christ himself. As Lutheran Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine.
Can I get married here?
Yes, we’d love to help with your wedding.  Contact the office to schedule an initial meeting with a member of the pastoral staff.
I'd like to schedule a Baptism, who can I contact? What do I need to know?
Gayle Newell coordinates our baptism, please reach out to her to begin the process.
Can I plan a funeral at Bethany?
Yes, we often host and help plan funerals for people who are not members of Bethany.  Please contact the office to schedule a conversation with a pastor.
What non-profits do you work with?
Bethany is proud to support over 40 local, national, and international organizations.  Visit our Outreach page to learn more.
I'm looking for someone to pray with me, can you help?
If you are in need of prayer of pastoral care, please call the office, (303) 758-2820, and ask to speak with a member of the pastoral team. 

A Short History of Bethany

Bethany was founded in 1908 when Denver was only 50 years old and we were the second Augustana Synod congregation established in Denver. Rev. Dr. Robert P. Acsell was called to be the first pastor of the church then known as “The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Bethany Church.” The first building was located at 32nd & Gilpin St. As the church membership started moving out of downtown Denver, a new location was purchased at our present site on Hampden Ave.

Before an architect could be selected or building begun, the old church and parsonage was purchased so Bethany was a “church in exile” and worshipped in a school near Wellshire Golf Course until the new building was ready in 1958. Along the way, the Augustana Synod morphed into the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) which then later morphed into the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

In 1984 the Sanctuary was totally destroyed in a suspected electrical fire. Once again Bethany was a “church in exile” and then worshipped at the Denver South Seventh Day Adventist Church near Porter Hospital until our current building was completed and opened in 1987. There are copies of a more detailed book about Bethany’s history, written by Rev. Carl Hansen, available in the church office – if you’re interested in learning more.

What do Lutherans believe?

How is the church structured?

Lutheran Worship Explained

What is Holy Communion?

What is Baptism?