Advent Peace

Advent is a season of preparation where we pause to prepare our hearts to receive again the Good News of God's Incarnation.  That all sounds so formal and impressive and nice, but what does it have to do with me and my life today?  

I think the there is really power in understanding just how incredible this "incarnation" claiming really is.  The incarnation means that God became human so that God could experience humanity. And so that means that God knows what it's like to be forgotten and lonely and even stressed(remember when he flipped over all those tables in the temple?). We believe in a God that been there, a God that has felt human emotion, and that is what we celebrate on Christmas-- God becoming human for our sake.

I don't want to jump ahead too far, but in Matthew 27:46 Jesus says "my God my God why have you forsaken me". What a powerful statement; we believe in a God that even knows what its like to be completely without God.

God was human, God's been there and done that. And in that reality there is more peace then we could ever imagine.

During the Christmas season we get too caught up in preparing. We get the shopping done, we decorate, we make all our fancy plans, but rarely do we let God's peace wash over us.

This Advent, may peace be with you all.

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