The Life was The Light of All People

The life (Jesus) was the light of all the people
Jesus was not the “life of the party”. Jesus is the life. Jesus could turn a party on its head. Sure, there was the changing of water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But there was also the time that Jesus let a “sinful” woman wash his feet at a dinner party. Jesus suggested that we rearrange the seats of those who proclaimed themselves to be important. Jesus lifted up women and children.
The “life of the party” tends to stand in the spotlight. Jesus chose to shine light into the dark corners. He became the light for those who were marginalized. He brought people out of darkness, into light. Jesus gave them life.
Pastor Gary
Jesus was not the “life of the party”. Jesus is the life. Jesus could turn a party on its head. Sure, there was the changing of water into wine at the wedding in Cana. But there was also the time that Jesus let a “sinful” woman wash his feet at a dinner party. Jesus suggested that we rearrange the seats of those who proclaimed themselves to be important. Jesus lifted up women and children.
The “life of the party” tends to stand in the spotlight. Jesus chose to shine light into the dark corners. He became the light for those who were marginalized. He brought people out of darkness, into light. Jesus gave them life.
Pastor Gary
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