The Gift of Presence

Then he said to them, "I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and stay awake with me." - Matthew 26:38

The gift of your presence may be the greatest gift of all. We know that when people are in pain that there is very little that we can say that will truly be of use to them. At the time we may think that we are being brilliant, and that we can change the course of their present experience. And sometimes we come of sounding out of touch. At those times, though, the person might just remember our touch. A gentle hand upon a shoulder, or a welcomed hug might give strength and comfort.

Jesus did not ask his disciples to share wisdom in the garden. He only asked them to stay with him, and to stay awake. Showing that you care can often times be more impactful that sharing words of perspective or wisdom.

God of presence, send us bring comfort, even when no words are needed. Amen.
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