Sacred Discomfort: How God Speaks in Uncomfortable Moments

Why Discomfort is a Spiritual Practice
One theme that stood out in our discussion was the power of stepping into discomfort. Debra, Kevin, and Bryan all shared how international service trips challenge our assumptions, push us beyond routine, and create space for reflection and transformation.
The conversation really resonated with me because I’ve experienced this firsthand—not just through travel, but through my own spiritual practices. One of the most challenging yet rewarding disciplines I’ve embraced is Centering Prayer.
The conversation really resonated with me because I’ve experienced this firsthand—not just through travel, but through my own spiritual practices. One of the most challenging yet rewarding disciplines I’ve embraced is Centering Prayer.
My Journey with Centering Prayer
If you’re unfamiliar, Centering Prayer is a contemplative practice where you sit in silence for 20 minutes, letting go of thoughts and simply resting in God’s presence. It sounds pretty straight forward, but my first experiences with this ancient practice were anything but.
I’m a fast-talking, fast-moving person, and the idea of sitting still felt… well, unproductive. At first, it was frustrating, and unsettling, and really boring. But over time, I realized that the discomfort I felt was the point.
In the stillness, I had to confront:
✔️ My restless energy
✔️ Thoughts I usually avoided
✔️ Anxieties I had pushed aside
But in that sacred discomfort, I eventually found something else: God’s presence in the midst of my messiness.
I’m a fast-talking, fast-moving person, and the idea of sitting still felt… well, unproductive. At first, it was frustrating, and unsettling, and really boring. But over time, I realized that the discomfort I felt was the point.
In the stillness, I had to confront:
✔️ My restless energy
✔️ Thoughts I usually avoided
✔️ Anxieties I had pushed aside
But in that sacred discomfort, I eventually found something else: God’s presence in the midst of my messiness.
Mission Trips and the Gift of Uncertainty
Mission trips can create the same kind of transformation. When we travel to new places, experience different cultures, and serve in unfamiliar settings, we step into the unknown. It’s disorienting—but it’s also where God often does something new in us.
Instead of resisting discomfort, what if we embraced it as an opportunity to grow in faith?
Instead of resisting discomfort, what if we embraced it as an opportunity to grow in faith?
A Prayer for Embracing the Uncomfortable
Thank you, God, for the gift of discomfort. Give us the courage to listen when you speak to us in the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the unsettling. Help us trust that growth happens when we step beyond what feels safe and easy. Amen.
Pastor Nate
To listen to the full podcast episode click here Peace,
Pastor Nate
Posted in Faith & Life, Spiritual Practices
Posted in mission trips, discomfort, Centering Prayer, Spiritual Practices, Uncertainty
Posted in mission trips, discomfort, Centering Prayer, Spiritual Practices, Uncertainty
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